
Sisters of the Humility of Mary

Impelled by our participation in the mission of Christ to bring more abundant life for all, we, the Sisters and Associates of the Humility of Mary, commit our personal and collective voice, energy and resources to bring about the emergence of all women as equal partners in a world in dire need of women’s gifts.

Throughout history, women have been bound, restricted, silenced, burdened, violated. In the face of this suffering and injustice we cannot be silent.

Women, in order to survive, in order to be well and safe, in order to use their gifts for creation, must:

Be safe from all forms of abuse

Be partners in relationships, decisions and policy-making

Have access to:

  • Health care and supportive services
  • Education
  • Economic independence and equity
  • Roles of leadership in church and society
  • Be free from all systems that perpetuate oppression, exploitation or discrimination.
  • We support the transformation of society toward equality, partnership and community by our commitment to continued action through our ministry.
  • Corporate Witness Statement

Sisters of the Humility of Mary

Villa Maria Community Center

Villa Maria, Pennsylvania

January 1996

Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN

Oppression of Women in Social and Religious Structures (1998)

For more information on the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame’s Stance on women: Click Here